1 min read

We need your support!

Please “like” us – https://hackaday.io/project/164944-eyetracktive Points means prizes!

The excellent hackaday.io has organised a global :

“hardware design contest focused on product development. DesignLab connects you to engineers, expert mentors, and other powerful resources to take your product from concept to DFM.”

If everybody on this list takes five minutes to support us, we’ll be at position 5 on the leaderboard and far more visible to the world (thus attracting more likes). At the moment we’re at position 28 with 14 likes.

This might be what we need to help us take EyeTracktive to a finished product.  Eyetracktive is the ultra-low cost open-hardware eye tracking headset we’re working on to complement EyeSkills (so we can see objectively what the eyes are actually doing, enabling “at home” training with precision and safety).

If you register at hackaday.io you can “like” the project (https://hackaday.io/project/164944-eyetracktive) and help propel it up the leaderboard (https://prize.supplyframe.com/).

Thanks to an anonymous donation we’ve got enough together that I could buy a discounted (super super cheap) A3 laser cutter which will allow us to continue prototyping and even producing the inner core of the EyeTracktive headset, but when it arrives I’ll still need to build an enclosure and setup a ventilation system.  If nothing else, every “like” wins us $3 which will help cover those materials! 🙂





Would you like to beta test EyeSkills* or just follow what we are doing?