A considered opinion based on experiences with the Lazy Eye establishment

We occasionally get detailed descriptions of people’s personal experiences with Lazy Eye.  If those contributors like, we publish them in an anonymised form…. Ich selber habe recht komplexe und wechselhafte Probleme mit der Augenkoordination und habe die Erfahrung gemacht, dass ich damit bei der aktuellen Lehrmeinung an Grenzen stosse und bei den Strabologen/Neuroopthalmologen, die ich…

Building EyeSkills in Unity

These are some coarse instructions to help you get started.  Although they are for OSX it ought to be a similar process for Windows. git clone –recurse-submodules https://gitlab.eyeskills.org/community/EyeSkillsCommunityApp.git cd EyeSkillsCommunityApp/Assets/EyeSkills #The following will work on OSX/Linux. You can also just grab the .zip from https://cloud.eyeskills.org/s/GziZbNNWQAoyxXr and do the following steps manually wget -O out.zip https://cloud.eyeskills.org/s/GziZbNNWQAoyxXr/download…